Service: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Address: Mokhovaya street 15/1, Moscow
Telephone: +7 (499) 922-01-00
Grand Café Dr. Zhivago is the place in the center of Moscow where you can try high quality Russian food. The restaurant is located on the ground-floor of the legendary 5 star hotel National. This is a significant place for Moscow. All venues in the center are usually very costly but Dr. Zhivago is an exception.
The opening of café became a gastronomic event. The project proved that Russian cuisine is bright and very popular. Forgotten dishes and ingredients returned their charm. The chef of the restaurant, Maxim Tarusin, used to work for Yar restaurant. He tries to adapt old traditions of Russian cuisine to modern tastes and requirements.
Dr. Zhivago is also valued for superb aesthetics and Soviet-era design. Revolutionary red is contrasted to white in brightly lit interior of the venue. The restaurant is decorated with works that remind the artworks of the early Soviet years. Petrov-Vodkin, Malevich and other artists worked in this style. Dr. Zhivago serves meals in the stunning eclectic interior with elements of supremacism and social realism. The mini sculptures of Soviet times that decorated the Gorky Park before, complement the ambience. There is a ruby star on the golden ceiling. The Soviet songs are played in background. All these elements create perfect atmosphere.
The place is suitable for foreign and Russian tourists, and creative citizens of Moscow. The dishes are very delicious, the cuisine is flawless and prices are reasonable. The restaurant faces the Kremlin that contributes to popularity of the place. Not all are able to get there on busy days, holidays and weekends, but this is not a problem. The grand-café is available round-the-clock. It is recommended to make reservation for dinner.
Genuine Russian cuisine has never been so tasty. The food is local, and all ingredients are of high quality. You can try wild game and lingonberry crepes, venison or carp dumplings, zrazy stuffed with mushrooms, millet porridge with crawfish tail in cream sauce and etc. Smoked fish (stellate sturgeon, whitefish) and dried game is prepared right in the restaurant. There are special meals for calories counters. Choose delightful ice-cream for dessert with pryanik or ryazhenka flavor, or cake kartoshka, liked by Soviet children and etc. The compotes are natural and cooked without sugar.